
Real Up Classic[리얼업 클래식] Handel Work List (헨델 작품 리스트)

헨델 작품리스트

HWV 1 - Almira - Opera
HWV 2 - Nero - Opera
HWV 3 - Florindo - Opera
HWV 4 - Daphne - Opera
HWV 5 - Rodrigo - Opera
HWV 6 - Agrippina - Opera

HWV 7a Rinaldo-<"Lascia ch'io pianga">
HWV 7b - Rinaldo - Opera
HWV 8a - Il pastor fido - Opera

 1. Overture, 2. Ballo, 3. Tambourin, 4. Musette, 5. Menuet  
 6. March Pour Les Chasseurs; March Da Capo, 7. Ballo, 8. Sarabanda​  
 9. Gavotte, 10. Gigue, 11. Chacconne​  
HWV 8b/c - Il pastor fido - Opera
HWV 9 - Teseo - Opera
HWV 10 - Silla - Opera
HWV 11 - Amadigi di Gaula - Opera
HWV 12a/b - Radamisto - Opera - Passacaille    / Gigue   
HWV 13 - Muzio Scevola - Opera
HWV 14 - Floridante - Opera
HWV 15 - Ottone - Opera - Come to me, soothing sleep    / Spring is coming  
HWV 16 - Flavio - Opera - Amor nel mio penar   add / Rompo i lacci   add

HWV 17 - Giulio Cesare in Egitto-<Priva son d'ogni conforto>
HWV 18 - Tamerlano - Opera
HWV 19 - Rodelinda - Opera
HWV 20 - Scipione - Opera
HWV 21 - Alessandro - Opera
HWV 22 - Admeto - Opera
HWV 23 - Riccardo Primo - Opera
HWV 24 - Siroe - Opera
HWV 25 - Tolomeo - Opera
HWV 26 - Lotario - Opera
HWV 27 - Partenope - Opera
HWV 28 - Poro - Opera
HWV 29 - Ezio - Opera
HWV 30 - Sosarme - Opera
HWV 31 - Orlando - Opera
HWV 32 - Arianna in Creta - Opera
HWV 33 - Ariodante - Opera
HWV 34 - Alcina - Opera
HWV 35 - Atalanta - Opera
HWV 36 - Arminio - Opera
HWV 37 - Giustino - Opera
HWV 38 - Berenice - Opera
HWV 39 - Faramondo - Opera
HWV 40 - Serse - Opera
HWV 41 - Imeneo - Opera
HWV 42 - Deidamia - Opera
HWV 43 - The Alchemist - Masque
HWV 44 - Music for Comus - Masque
HWV 45 - Alceste (Masque) - Masque
HWV 46a - Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno - Oratorio
HWV 46b - Il trionfo del Tempo e della Verità - Oratorio
HWV 47 - La resurrezione - Oratorio
HWV 48 - Brockes Passion - Oratorio
HWV 49a - Acis and Galatea (masque) - Masque
HWV 49b - Acis and Galatea (serenata) - Serenata
HWV 50a - Esther (1-act masque) - Masque
HWV 50b - Esther (3-act oratorio) - Oratorio
HWV 51 - Deborah - Oratorio
HWV 52 - Athalia - Oratorio
HWV 53 - Saul - Oratorio
HWV 54 Israel in Egypt (Exodus)-<Sing Ye to the Lord>  

HWV 54 - Israel in Egypt - Oratorio 
HWV 55 - L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato - Oratorio
HWV 56 Messiah- highlight - Part.1, Part.2, Part.3, Part.4, Part.5, Part.6<hallelujah Cho.> 
HWV 57 - Samson - Oratorio
HWV 58 Semele-<Where'er you walk> 
HWV 59 - Joseph and his Brethren - Oratorio
HWV 60 - Hercules - Oratorio
HWV 61 - Belshazzar - Oratorio
HWV 62 - Occasional Oratorio - Oratorio

HWV 63 Juddas Maccabeus-<See the conqu'ring hero comes !>
HWV 64 - Joshua - Oratorio
HWV 65 - Alexander Balus - Oratorio
HWV 66 - Susanna - Oratorio

HWV 67 Solomon-<Arrival of the Queen of Sheba>  <Hallelujah>  
HWV 68 - Theodora - Oratorio
HWV 69 - The Choice of Hercules - Oratorio
HWV 70 - Jephtha - Oratorio
HWV 71 - The Triumph of Time and Truth - Oratorio
HWV 72 - Aci, Galatea e Polifemo - Masque
HWV 73 - Parnasso in festa - Masque

HWV 74 - Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne - Ode

 1. Eternal source of light divine, 2. Let all the winged, 3. Let flocks  
 4. Let rolling streams, 5. Kind health descends, 6. Let envy then conceal her head, 7. United nations shall combine​  

HWV 75 - Alexander's Feast - Masque

HWV 76 - Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Ode

​  1. Overture, 2. From harmony, 3. When Nature  
  ​4. From harmony, from heav'nly harmony, 5. What passion cannot Music raise  
  6. The trumpet's loud clangour, 7. March, 8. The soft complaining flute  
  9. Sharp violins proclaim their jealous pangs, 10. But oh! what art can teach​  
  11. Orpheus could lead the savage race, 12. But bright Cecilia, 13. As from the power of sacred lays​  
HWV 77 - Ah che pur troppo è vero - Cantata
HWV 78 - Ah! crudel, nel pianto mio - Cantata

  1. Sonata, 2. Ah! Crudel, nel pianto mio   add
  3. Non sdegnerai d'amar, 4. Di quel bel chi'l ciel ti diede, 5. Balena il cielo, 6. Per trofei di mia costanza   add

HWV 79 - Diana cacciatrice or Alla caccia - Cantata   add
HWV 80 - Allor ch'io dissi: Addio - Cantata   add
HWV 81 - Alpestre monte - Cantata   add

HWV 82 - Amarilli vezzosa or Daliso ed Amarilli or Il duello amoroso - Cantata
 1. Sonata, 2. Menuetto, 3. Recitativo, 4. Aria, 5. Recitativo, 6. Aria   add
 7. Recitativo, 8. Aria, 9. Recitativo, 10. Aria, 11. Recitativo, 12. Aria a 2​   add

HWV 83 - Aminta e Fillide or Arresta il passo - Cantata
 1. Arresta il passo, 2. Fermati, non fuggir !, 3. Questa sol volta almen, 4. Fiamma bella ch'al ciel s'invia   add
​ 5. Credi a'miei detti, Aminta, 6. Forse ch'un giorno, 7. Invano, invan presumi, 8. Fu scherzo, fu gioco   add
 9. Libero piè fugga dal laccio, 10. Se vago rio, 11. D'un incognito foco, 12. Sento ch'il Dio bambin, 13. Felicissimo punto, in cui
     nel seno   add
 14. Al dispetto do sorte crudele, 15. Vincesti, Aminta, e l'amoroso affanno, 16. È un foco quel d'amore , 17. Gloria bella d'Aminta,
      18.  Gloria bella d'Aminta   add
 19. E pur, Filli vezzosa, 20. Non si può dar un cor, 21. O felice in amor dolce tormento, 22. Per abbattere il rigore   add

HWV 84 - Aure soavi, e liete - Cantata
HWV 85 - Venus and Adonis or Behold where weeping Venus stands - Cantata   add
HWV 86 - Bella ma ritrosetta - Cantata
HWV 87 - Carco sempre di gloria - Cantata
HWV 88 - Care selve, aure grate - Cantata   add
HWV 89 - Cecilia, volgi un sguardo - Cantata
HWV 90 - Chi rapì la pace al core - Cantata   add
HWV 91a - Clori, degli occhi miei - Cantata
HWV 91b - Clori, degli occhi miei - Cantata
HWV 92 - Clori, mia bella Clori - Cantata   add
HWV 93 - Clori, ove sei? - Cantata
HWV 94 - Clori, si, ch'io t'adoro - Cantata
HWV 95 - Clori, vezzosa Clori - Cantata
HWV 96 - Clori, Tirsi e Fileno or Cor fedele in vano speri - Cantata
HWV 97 - Crudel tiranno Amor - Cantata
HWV 98 - Cuopre tal volta il cielo - Cantata
HWV 99 - Il delirio amoroso or Da quel giorno fatale - Cantata
HWV 100 - Da sete ardente afflitto - Cantata
HWV 102a - Dalla guerra amorosa - Cantata
HWV 102b - Dalla guerra amorosa - Cantata
HWV 103 - Deh! lasciate e vita e volo - Cantata
HWV 104 - Del bel idolo mio - Cantata
HWV 105 - Armida abbandonata or Dietro l'orme fuggaci - Cantata
HWV 106 - Dimmi, o mio cor - Cantata
HWV 107 - Ditemi, o piante - Cantata   add
HWV 108 - Dolce mio ben, s'io taccio - Cantata   add
HWV 109a - Dolc' è pur d'amor l'affanno - Cantata   add
HWV 109b - Dolc' è pur d'amor l'affanno - Cantata
HWV 110 - Agrippina condotta a morire or Dunque sarà pur vero - Cantata
HWV 111a - E partirai, mia vita? - Cantata
HWV 111b - E partirai, mia vita? - Cantata
HWV 112 - Figli del mesto cor - Cantata   add
HWV 113 - Figlio d'alte speranze - Cantata
HWV 114 - Filli adorata e cara - Cantata
HWV 115 - Fra pensieri quel pensiero - Cantata   add
HWV 116 - Fra tante pene - Cantata
HWV 117 - Hendel, non può mia musa - Cantata
HWV 118 - Ho fuggito Amore anch'io - Cantata
HWV 119 - Echeggiate, festeggiate, numi eterni or Io languisco fra le gioie - Cantata
HWV 120a - Irene, idolo mio - Cantata
HWV 120b - Irene, idolo mio - Cantata
HWV 121a - La Solitudine or L'aure grate, il fresco rio - Cantata
HWV 121b - La Solitudine or L'aure grate, il fresco rio - Cantata
HWV 122 - Apollo e Dafne or La terra è liberata - Cantata
HWV 123 - Languia di bocca lusinghiera - Cantata
HWV 124 - Look down, harmonious saint - Cantata
HWV 125a - Lungi da me, pensier tiranno - Cantata
HWV 125b - Lungi da me, pensier tiranno - Cantata
HWV 126a - Lungi da voi, che siete poli - Cantata
HWV 126b - Lungi da voi, che siete poli - Cantata
HWV 126c - Lungi da voi, che siete poli - Cantata
HWV 127a - Lungi dal mio bel nume - Cantata
HWV 127b - Lungi dal mio bel nume - Cantata
HWV 127c - Lungi dal mio bel nume - Cantata
HWV 128 - Lungi n'andò Fileno - Cantata
HWV 129 - Manca pur quanto sai - Cantata
HWV 130 - Mentre il tutto è in furore - Cantata
HWV 131 - Menzognere speranze - Cantata
HWV 132a - Mi palpita il cor - Cantata
HWV 132b - Mi palpita il cor - Cantata
HWV 132c - Mi palpita il cor - Cantata
HWV 132d - Mi palpita il cor - Cantata
HWV 133 - Ne' tuoi lumi, o bella Clori - Cantata
HWV 134 - Pensieri notturni di Filli or Nel dolce dell'oblio - Cantata
HWV 135a - Nel dolce tempo - Cantata
HWV 135b - Nel dolce tempo - Cantata
HWV 136a - Nell' Africane selve - Cantata
HWV 136b - Nell' Africane selve - Cantata
HWV 137 - Nella stagion che di viole e rose - Cantata
HWV 138 - Nice, che fa? che pensa? - Cantata
HWV 139a - Ninfe e pastori - Cantata
HWV 139b - Ninfe e pastori - Cantata
HWV 139c - Ninfe e pastori - Cantata
HWV 140 - Nò se emenderá jamás - Cantata
HWV 141 - Non sospirar, non piangere - Cantata
HWV 142 - Notte placida e cheta - Cantata
HWV 143 - Olinto pastore, Tebro fiume, Gloria or O come chiare e belle - Cantata

 1. Sonata, 2. Aria, 3. Recitativo, 4. Aria, 5. Recitativo   add
 6. Aria, 7. Recitativo, 8. Aria, 9. Recitativo   add
 10. Aria, 11. Recit, 12. Aria, 13. Recit, 14. Aria, 15. Recit, 16. Aria, 17. Recit, 18. Aria, 19. Coro​   add

HWV 144 - O lucenti, o sereni occhi - Cantata
HWV 145 - La Lucrezia or Oh numi eterni - Cantata
HWV 146 - Occhi miei che faceste? - Cantata
HWV 147 - Parti, l'idolo mio - Cantata
HWV 148 - Poichè giuraro amore - Cantata
HWV 149 - Qual sento io non conosciuto - Cantata
HWV 150 - Ero e Leandro or Qual ti riveggio, oh Dio - Cantata
HWV 151 - Qualor, crudele sì ma vaga Dori - Cantata
HWV 152 - Qualor l'egre pupille - Cantata
HWV 153 - Quando sperasti, o core - Cantata
HWV 154 - Quel fior che all'alba ride - Cantata
HWV 155 - Sans y penser - Cantata
HWV 156 - Sarai contenta un dì - Cantata
HWV 157 - Sarei troppo felice - Cantata
HWV 158a - Se pari è la tua fè - Cantata
HWV 158b - Se pari è la tua fè - Cantata
HWV 158c - Se pari è la tua fè - Cantata
HWV 159 - Se per fatal destino - Cantata
HWV 160a - La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa - Cantata
HWV 160b - La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa - Cantata
HWV 160c - La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa - Cantata
HWV 161a - Sento là che ristretto - Cantata
HWV 161b - Sento là che ristretto - Cantata
HWV 161c - Sento là che ristretto - Cantata
HWV 162 - Siete rose rugiadose - Cantata
HWV 163 - Solitudini care, amata libertà - Cantata
HWV 164a - Il Gelsomino or Son Gelsomino - Cantata
HWV 164b - Il Gelsomino or Son Gelsomino - Cantata
HWV 165 - Spande ancor a mio dispetto - Cantata   add
HWV 166 - Splenda l'alba in oriente - Cantata   add
HWV 167a - Stanco di più soffrire - Cantata
HWV 167b - Stanco di più soffrire - Cantata
HWV 168 - Partenza di G. B. or Stelle, perfide stelle - Cantata   add
HWV 169 - Torna il core al suo diletto - Cantata
HWV 170 - Il consiglio or Tra le fiamme - Cantata
HWV 171 - Tu fedel? Tu costante? - Cantata
HWV 172 - Udite il mio consiglio - Cantata
HWV 173 - Un' alma innamorata - Cantata
HWV 174 - Un sospir a chi si muore - Cantata
HWV 175 - Vedendo Amor - Cantata
HWV 176 - Amore uccellatore or Venne voglia ad Amore - Cantata
HWV 177 - Zeffiretto, arresta il volo - Cantata
HWV 178 - A mirarvi io son intento - Italian duets   add
HWV 179 - Ahi, nelle sorti umane - Italian duets
HWV 180 - Amor, gioje mi porge - Italian duets
HWV 181 - Beato in ver chi pùo - Italian duets   add
HWV 182a - Caro autor di mia doglia - Italian duets
HWV 182b - Caro autor di mia doglia - Italian duets
HWV 183 - Caro autor di mia doglia -- Spurious - Italian duets
HWV 184 - Che via pensando, folle pensier - Italian duets
HWV 185 - Conservate, raddoppiate - Italian duets   add
HWV 186 - Fronda leggiera e mobile - Italian duets   add
HWV 187 - Giù nei Tartarei regni - Italian duets
HWV 188 - Langue, geme, e sospira - Italian duets   add
HWV 189 - Nò, di voi non vo' fidarmi - Italian duets
HWV 190 - Nò, di voi non vo' fidarmi - Italian duets   add
HWV 191 - Quando in calma ride il mare - Italian duets
HWV 192 - Quel fior che all'alba ride - Italian duets
HWV 193 - Se tu non lasci amore - Italian duets   add
HWV 194 - Sono liete, fortunate - Italian duets   add
HWV 195 - Spero indarno - Italian duets
HWV 196 - Tacete, ohimè, tacete - Italian duets
HWV 197 - Tanti strali al sen mi scocchi - Italian duets   add
HWV 198 - Troppo cruda, troppo fiera - Italian duets   add
HWV 199 - Va', speme infida - Italian duets
HWV 200 - Quel fior che all'alba ride - Italian trios
HWV 201a - Se tu non lasci amore - Italian trios
HWV 201b - Se tu non lasci amore - Italian trios
HWV 202 - Künft' ger Zeiten eitler Kummer - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 203 - Das zitternde Glänzen der spielenden Wellen - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 204 - Süsser Blumen Ambraflocken - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 205 - Süsse Stille, sanfte Quelle ruhiger Gelassenheit - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 206 - Singe, Seele, Gott zum Preise - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 207 - Meine Seele hört im Sehen - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 208 - Die ihr aus dunkeln Grüften - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 209 - In den angenehmen Büschen - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 210 - Flammende Rose, Zierde der Erden - Hymns - Soprano   add
HWV 211 - Aure dolci, deh, spirate - Italian arias - Alto
HWV 212 - Con doppia gloria mia - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 213 - Con lacrime si belle - Italian arias - Alto
HWV 214 - Dell'onda instabile - Italian arias - Alto
HWV 215 - Col valor del vostro brando - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 216 - Impari del mio core - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 217 - L'odio, sì, ma poi ritrovò - Italian arias - Alto
HWV 218 - 'Love's but the frailty of the mind' - Song
HWV 219 - Non so se avrai mai bene - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 220 - Per dar pace al mio tormento - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 221 - Quant'invidio tua fortuna - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 222 - Quanto più amara fu sorte crudele - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 223 - S'un di m'appaga, la mia crudele - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 224 - Si, crudel, tornerà - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 225 - Spera chi sa perchè la sorte - Italian arias - Alto
HWV 227 - Vo' cercando tra fiori - Italian arias - Soprano
HWV 226 - Hunting Song or The morning is charming - English songs - Tenor
HWV 228-1 - The unhappy Lovers: As Celia's fatal arrows flew - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-2 - Charming Cloris: Ask not the cause / The poor Shepherd: The Sun was sunk beneath the Hills - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-3 - As on a Sunshine Summer's Day - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-4 - Bacchus Speech in Praise of Wine: Bacchus one day gayly striding - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-5 - The Polish Minuet or Miss Kitty Grevil's Delight: Charming is your shape and air - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-6 - The Sailor's Complaint: Come and listen to my ditty / Hosier's Ghost: As near Portobello lying - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-7 - Di godere ha speranza il mio core / Oh my dearest, my lovely creature - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-8 - The forsaken Maid's Complaint: Faithless ungrateful / The slighted Swain: Cloe proves false - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-9 - From scourging rebellion or A Song on the Victory obtained over the Rebels by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland - English songs - Tenor
HWV 228-10 - The forsaken Nymph: Guardian Angels now protect me - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-11 - I like the am'rous Youth that's free - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-12 - Phillis: My fair, ye Swains, is gone astray - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-13 - Not, Cloe, that I better am - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-14 - Strephon's Complaint of Love: Oh cruel Tyrant Love - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-15 - The Satyr's Advice to a Stock-Jobber: On the shore of a low ebbing sea / Ye Swains that are courting a Maid / Molly Mogg: Says my uncle, I pray you discover - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-16 - Phillis be kind and hear - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-17 - Phillis advised: Phillis the lovely - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-18 - Stand round, my brave boys or Song made for the Gentlemen Volunteers of the City of London - English songs - Tenor
HWV 228-19 - The faithful Maid / The Melancholy Nymph: 'Twas when the seas were roaring - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-20 - The Rapture / Matchless Clarinda: When I survey Clarinda's charms / Venus now leaves - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-21 - The Death of the Stag: When Phoebus the tops of the Hills does adorn - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-22 - Who to win a Woman's favour - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-23 - An Answer to Collin's Complaint: Ye winds to whome Collin complains - English songs - Soprano
HWV 228-24 - Yes, I'm in love - English songs - Soprano
HWV 229-1 - Das gantze Haupt ist krank à 8 - German church cantatas
HWV 229-2 - Es ist der alte Bund, Mensch à 12 - German church cantatas
HWV 229-3 - Führwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit à 15 - German church cantatas
HWV 229-4 - Thue Rechnung von deinem Haußhalten à 13 - German church cantatas
HWV 229-5 - Victoria. Der Tod ist verschlungen à 14 - German church cantatas
HWV 229-6 - Was werden wir essen à 10/12 - German church cantatas
HWV 229-7 - Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt à 12 - German church cantatas
HWV 230 - Ah! che troppo ineguali or O del ciel! Maria regina - Italian sacred cantatas - Soprano
HWV 231 - Coelestis dum spirat aura - Motets - Soprano

HWV 232 Dixit Dominus Domino meo - Part.1, Part.2, Part.3
HWV 233 - Donna, che in ciel - Italian sacred cantatas - Soprano
HWV 234 - Il pianto di Maria or Giunta l'ora fatal - Italian sacred cantatas - Soprano

HWV 235 Haec est Regina Virginum
HWV 236 - Laudate pueri Dominum in F major - Psalm settings - Soprano
HWV 237 - Laudate pueri Dominum in D major - Psalm settings - Soprano, Chorus
HWV 238 - Nisi Dominus - Psalm settings - Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Chorus
HWV 239 - O qualis de coelo sonus - Motets - Soprano
HWV 240 - Saeviat tellus inter rigores - Motets - Soprano

HWV 241 Salve Regina
HWV 242 - Silete venti - Motets - Soprano
HWV 243 Te decus virginum
HWV 244 - Kyrie eleison - Italian sacred cantatas - Chorus
HWV 245 - Gloria in excelsis deo - Italian sacred cantatas - Chorus
HWV 246 - O be joyful in the Lord; Chandos Anthem No. 1 or Jubilate ('Cannons') in D major - Anthems

  1. Sonata, 2. O Be Joyful In The Lord  
  3. Serve The Lord With Gladness, 4. Be Ye Sure That The Lord He Is God, 5. O Go Your Way Into His Gates ​ 
  6. For The Lord Is Fracious, 7. Glory Be To The Father, 8. As It Was In The Beginning  

HWV 247 - In the Lord put I my trust; Chandos Anthem No. 2 - Anthems

  1. Sonata, 2. In The Lord Put I My Trust!  
  3. God Is A Constant Sure Defense, 4. Behold! The Wicked Bend Their Bow  
  5. But God, Who Hears The Suff'Ring Pow'R, 6. Snares, Fire & Brimstone On Their Heads, 7. The Righteous Lord Will Righteous 
      Deeds, 8. Then Shall My Song, With Praise Inspir'd​  

HWV 248 - Have mercy upon me; Chandos Anthem No. 3 - Anthems

  1. Sonata, 2. Have Mercy Upon Me, O God, 3. Wash Me Thoroughly From My Wickedness, 4. For I Acknowledge My Faults  
  5. Against Thee Only Have I Sinned, 6. Thou Shalt Make Me Hear Of Joy & Gladness, 7. Make Me A Clean Heart, O God, 8. Then
      Shall I Yeach Thy Ways Unto The Wicked   add

HWV 249a - O sing unto the Lord a new song - Anthems
HWV 249b - O sing unto the Lord a new song; Chandos Anthem No. 4 - Anthems
HWV 250a - I will magnify thee; Chandos Anthem No. 5 - Anthems
HWV 250b - I will magnify thee - Anthems
HWV 251a - As pants the hart - Anthems
HWV 251b - As pants the hart - Anthems
HWV 251c - As pants the hart - Anthems
HWV 251d - As pants the hart - Anthems
HWV 251e - As pants the hart - Anthems
HWV 252 - My song shall be alway; Chandos Anthem No. 7 - Anthems
HWV 253 - O come, let us sing unto the Lord; Chandos Anthem No. 8 - Anthems
HWV 254 - O praise the Lord with one consent; Chandos Anthem No. 9 - Anthems
HWV 255 - The Lord is my light; Chandos Anthem No. 10 - Anthems
HWV 256a - Let God arise; Chandos Anthem No. 11 - Anthems

 1. Symphony, 2. Let God arise  
 3. Like as a smoke, 4. Let the righteous be glad, 5. O sing unto God​  
 6. Praised by the Lord, 7. At Thy rebuke, o God, 8. Blessed be God, Alleluja ​  
HWV 256b - Let God arise - Anthems
HWV 257 - O praise the Lord, ye angels of his – Spurious - Anthems

HWV 258 Zadok the Priest
HWV 259 - Let thy hand be strengthened; Coronation Anthem No. 2 - Anthems  
HWV 260 - The King shall rejoice; Coronation Anthem No. 3 - Anthems

HWV 261 My heart is inditing
HWV 262 - This is the day which the Lord hath made or Anthem for Wedding of Princess Anne - Anthems 
HWV 263 Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth
HWV 264 - The ways of Zion do mourn or Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline - Anthems
HWV 265 - Dettingen Anthem or The King shall rejoice - Anthems
HWV 266 - How beautiful are the feet of them or His Anthem on the Peace or Peace Anthem - Anthems
HWV 267 - (?) First draft of the "Peace Anthem" (See HWV 266) - Anthems
HWV 268 - Blessed are they that considereth the poor or Foundling Hospital Anthem - Anthems
HWV 269-77 - Settings of 'Amen' and '(H)alleluja, amen' - Hymns - Soprano
HWV 278 - Te Deum ("Utrecht") - D major
HWV 279 - Jubilate ("Utrecht ") - D major
HWV 280 - Te Deum ("Queen Caroline") - D major
HWV 281 - Te Deum ("Chandos" or "Cannons") - B♭ major

 1 .We praise Thee, o God, 2. All the earth, 3. The glorious company  
 4. Thou art the King, 5. When thou tookest, 6. When thou hadst overcome, 7. Thou didst open the kingdom​  
 8. Thou sittest of the right hand, 9. We believe that Thou shalt come, 10. Day by day ​ 
 11. And we worship Thy name ever, 12. Vouchsafe, o Lord, 13. O Lord, in Thee we love trust   

HWV 282 - Te Deum - A major
HWV 283 - Te Deum ("Dettingen") - D major
HWV 284 - Sinners obey the Gospel word (The Invitation) - Hymns - Soprano
HWV 285 - O Love divine, how sweet thou art (Desiring to Love) - Hymns - Soprano
HWV 286 - Rejoice, the Lord is King (On the Resurrection) - Hymns - Soprano
HWV 287 - Oboe Concerto No. 3 - G minor
HWV 288 - Violin Concerto - B♭ major  

HWV 289 - Organ Concerto, Opus 4 No. 1 - G minor
HWV 290 - Organ Concerto, Opus 4 No. 2 - B♭ major  
HWV 291 - Organ Concerto, Opus 4 No. 3 - G minor
HWV 292 - Organ Concerto, Opus 4 No. 4 - F major
HWV 293 - Organ Concerto, Opus 4 No. 5 - F major

HWV 294 - Organ Concerto, Opus 4 No. 6 - B♭ major 1st  2,3nd
HWV 295 - Organ Concerto,"2nd Set" No. 1 - F major-  1st   add 2nd  3,4,5th
HWV 296a - Organ Concerto, "2nd Set" No. 2 - A major - 1,2,3rd    / 4,5th  
HWV 296b - Organ Concerto - A major
HWV 297 - Organ Concerto, "2nd Set" No. 3 - D minor
HWV 298 - Organ Concerto, "2nd Set" No. 4 - G major
HWV 299 - Organ Concerto, "2nd Set" No. 5 - D major
HWV 300 - Organ Concerto, "2nd Set" No. 6 - G minor
HWV 301 - Oboe Concerto No. 2a - B♭ major
HWV 302a - Oboe Concerto No. 1 - B♭ major  
HWV 302b - Largo - F major
HWV 303 - Organ Concerto - D minor
HWV 304 - Organ Concerto - D minor
HWV 305 - Organ Concerto - F major - 1,2,3,4th   add / 5,6,7,8th    add
HWV 305b - Keyboard Arrangement in F minor
HWV 306 - Organ Concerto, Opus 7 No. 1 - B♭ major -
1, 2, 3rd 4, 5, 6th​  
HWV 307 - Organ Concerto, Opus 7 No. 2 - A major
HWV 308 - Organ Concerto, Opus 7 No. 3 - B♭ major
HWV 309 - Organ Concerto, Opus 7 No. 4 - D minor -
1. Adagio, 2. Allegro   3. Organo Ad Libitum, 4. Allegro​  
HWV 310 - Organ Concerto, Opus 7 No. 5 - G minor

 1. Staccato Ma Non Troppo Allegro, 2. Organo Ad Libitum  
 3. Andante Larghetto E Staccato (Organo Ad Libitum ), 4. Organo Ad Libitum,Adagio, 5. Menuet,Gavotte​  
HWV 311 - Organ Concerto, Opus 7 No. 6 - B♭ major
HWV 312 - Concerti grossi - B♭ major
HWV 313 - Concerti grossi - B♭ major   add
HWV 314 - Concerti grossi - G major
HWV 315 - Concerti grossi - F major    add
HWV 316 - Concerti grossi - D minor
HWV 317 - Concerti grossi - D major   add
HWV 318 - Concerti grossi - C major

HWV 319 - Concerti grossi - G major
HWV 320 - Concerti grossi - F major
HWV 321 - Concerti grossi - E minor
HWV 322 - Concerti grossi - A minor
HWV 323 - Concerti grossi - D major
HWV 324 - Concerti grossi - G minor
HWV 325 - Concerti grossi - B♭ major
HWV 326 - Concerti grossi - C minor
HWV 327 - Concerti grossi - F major  
HWV 328 - Concerti grossi - D minor
HWV 329 - Concerti grossi - A major
HWV 330 - Concerti grossi - B minor
HWV 331 - Concerti grossi - F major
HWV 331-1 - Concerti grossi - F major
HWV 331-2 - Concerti grossi - F major
HWV 332 - Concerti grossi - B♭ major   add
HWV 333 - Concerti grossi - F major - 1,2,3rd    / 4,5,6th  
HWV 334 - Concerti grossi - F major - 1,2,3rd     / 4,5,6th   
HWV 335a - Concerti grossi - D major
HWV 335b - Concerti grossi - F major
HWV 336 - Overture - B flat major
HWV 337 - Overture - D major
HWV 338 - Adagio/Allegro - B minor/D major
HWV 339 - Sinfonia - B flat major   add
HWV 340 - Allegro - G major
HWV 341 - Suite - D major
HWV 342 - Overture - F major
HWV 343 - Organ Concerto - G major
HWV 344 - Chorus and Minuet - B flat major
HWV 346 - March for Wind ensemble in F major
HWV 345 - March - D major
HWV 347 - Sinfonia - B flat major   add

HWV 348-350 Suites pour orchestre "Water Music"
HWV 348 - Suite. Water Music (No. 1) - F major
  1. Overture  
  2. Adagio E Staccato​
  3. Allegro 1​  
  4. Andante​  
  5. Allegro 2​  
  6. Air​  
  7. Minuet For The French Horn​  
  8. Bourrée​  
  9. Hornpipe​  
  10. Finale, Allegro Moderato​  
HWV 349 - Suite. Water Music (No. 2) - D major

   1. Overture  
   2. Alla Hornpipe​  
   3. Minuet​  
   4. Lentement​  
   5. Bourrée​  
HWV 350 - Suite. Water Music (No. 3) - G major

   1. Allegro  
   2. Rigaudon​  
   3. Menuet​  
   4. Allegro​  
   5. Coro​  
HWV 351 Music for the Royal Fireworks pour orchestre
HWV 352 - Suite - B flat major
HWV 353 - Suite - G major
HWV 354 - Suite - B flat major
HWV 355 - Hornpipe aria - C minor
HWV 356 - Hornpipe - D major
HWV 357 - Oboe  Sonata in B flat major  
HWV 358 - Recorder or Violin  Sonata in G major 
HWV 359a - Violin  Sonata in D minor 
HWV 359b - Flute  Sonata in E minor  Opus 1 No. 1b  
HWV 360 - Recorder  Sonata in G minor  Opus 1 No. 2  

HWV 361 - Violin  Sonata in A major  Opus 1 No. 3
HWV 362 - Recorder  Sonata in A minor  Opus 1 No. 4
HWV 363a - Oboe  Sonata in F major  
HWV 363b - Flute  Sonata in G major  Opus 1 No. 5

HWV 364a - Violin or Oboe  Sonata in G minor  Opus 1 No. 6 HWV 364b - Viola da gamba  Sonata in G minor 
HWV 365 - Recorder  Sonata in C major  Opus 1 No. 7  
HWV 366 - Oboe  Sonata in C minor  Opus 1 No. 8  
HWV 367a - Recorder  Sonata in D minor  Opus 1 No. 9a  
HWV 367b - Flute  Sonata in B minor  Opus 1 No. 9b  
HWV 368 - Violin  Sonata in G minor  Opus 1 No. 10

HWV 369 - Recorder  Sonata in F major  Opus 1 No. 11
HWV 370 - Violin  Sonata in F major  Opus 1 No. 12  
HWV 371 - Violin  Sonata in D major  Opus 1 No. 13
HWV 372 - Violin  Sonata in A major  Opus 1 No. 14  
HWV 373 - Violin  Sonata in E major  Opus 1 No. 15  
HWV 374 - Flute  Sonata in A minor   
HWV 375 - Flute  Sonata in E minor   
HWV 376 - Flute  Sonata in B minor   
HWV 377 - Recorder  Sonata in B flat major   
HWV 378 - Flute  Sonata in D major 
HWV 379 - Flute  Sonata in E minor  Opus 1 No. 1a
HWV 380 - Trio sonata in B flat major  
HWV 381 - Trio sonata in D minor  
HWV 382 - Trio sonata in E flat major  
HWV 383 - Trio sonata in F major  
HWV 384 - Trio sonata in G major  
HWV 385 - Trio sonata in D major   
HWV 386a - Trio sonata in C minor
HWV 386b - Trio sonata in B minor Opus 2 No. 1  
HWV 387 - Trio sonata in G minor Opus 2 No. 2  
HWV 388 - Trio sonata in B flat major Opus 2 No. 3  
HWV 389 - Trio sonata in F major Opus 2 No. 4  
HWV 390 - Trio sonata in G minor Opus 2 No. 5  
HWV 391 - Trio sonata in G minor Opus 2 No. 6  
HWV 392 - Trio sonata in F major
HWV 393 - Trio sonata in G minor   
HWV 394 - Trio sonata in E major
HWV 395 - Trio sonata in E minor  
HWV 396 - Trio sonata in A major Opus 5 No. 1  
HWV 397 - Trio sonata in D major Opus 5 No. 2  
HWV 398 - Trio sonata in E minor Opus 5 No. 3  
HWV 399 - Trio sonata in G major Opus 5 No. 4  
HWV 400 - Trio sonata in G minor Opus 5 No. 5  
HWV 401 - Trio sonata in F major Opus 5 No. 6  
HWV 402 - Trio sonata in B flat major Opus 5 No. 7  
HWV 403 - Trio sonata in C major
HWV 404 - Trio sonata in G minor  
HWV 405 - Trio sonata in F major
HWV 406 - Violin  Sonata in A major 
HWV 407 - Violin  Sonata in G major 
HWV 408 - Violin  Sonata in C minor 
HWV 409 - Recorder  Sonata in D minor 
HWV 410 - Aria for Wind ensemble in F major
HWV 411 - Aria for Wind ensemble in F major
HWV 414 - March for Fife in C major
HWV 415 - March for Fife in D major
HWV 416 - March for Wind ensemble in D major
HWV 417 - March for Wind ensemble in D major
HWV 418 - March for Wind ensemble in G major
HWV 412 - Violin  Sonata in A minor 
HWV 413 - Gigue - B flat major
HWV 419 1-6 - Six marches    in  
HWV 420 - Minuet    in D major 
HWV 421 - Minuet    in D major 
HWV 422 - Minuet for Wind ensemble in G major
HWV 423 - Minuet for Wind ensemble in G major
HWV 424 - Overture for Wind ensemble in D major
HWV 425 - Keyboard Air (Saraband) in E major
HWV 426 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No. 1 in A major  
HWV 427 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No. 2 in F major  
HWV 428 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No. 3 in D minor - 1,2,3,4th
    / 5,6th  
HWV 429 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No. 4 in E minor  
HWV 430 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No. 5 in E major    /
HWV 431 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No. 6 in F sharp minor  
HWV 432 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No. 7 in G minor - 1,2,3rd    / 4,5,6th  
HWV 433 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No. 8 in F minor  
HWV 434 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No. 1 in B flat major
HWV 435 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No. 2 in G major
HWV 436 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No. 3 in D minor  

HWV 437 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No. 4 in D minor-  1,2,3,4th     <Sarabande>
HWV 438 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No. 5 in E minor  
HWV 439 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No. 6 in G minor  
HWV 440 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No. 7 in B flat major  
HWV 441 - Keyboard Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No. 8 in G major - 1,2,3,4th   add / 5,6,7th    add
HWV 442 - Keyboard Suite de piece Vol. 2 No. 9 in G major
HWV 443 - Keyboard Suite in C major
HWV 444 - Keyboard Partita in C minor
HWV 445 - Keyboard Suite in C minor
HWV 446 - Keyboard Suite in C minor
HWV 447 - Keyboard Suite in D minor   add
HWV 448 - Keyboard Suite in D minor
HWV 449 - Keyboard Suite in D minor
HWV 450 - Keyboard Partita in G major
HWV 451 - Keyboard Suite in G minor
HWV 452 - Keyboard Suite in G minor   add
HWV 453 - Keyboard Suite in G minor
HWV 454 - Keyboard Partita in A major
HWV 455 - Keyboard Suite in B flat major
HWV 456-1 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 456-2 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 456-3 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 456-4 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 456-5 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 457 - Keyboard Air in C major
HWV 458 - Keyboard Air in C minor
HWV 459 - Keyboard Air in C minor
HWV 460 - Keyboard Air(March) in D major
HWV 461 - Keyboard Air(Hornpipe) in D minor
HWV 462 - Keyboard Airandminuet in D minor
HWV 463 - Keyboard Air in F major
HWV 464 - Keyboard Air in F major
HWV 465 - Keyboard AirandtwoDoubles in F major
HWV 466 - Keyboard Air in G minor
HWV 467 - Keyboard AirLentement in G minor
HWV 468 - Keyboard Air in A major
HWV 469 - Keyboard Air in B flat major
HWV 470 - Keyboard Air in B flat major
HWV 471 - Keyboard Air in B flat major
HWV 472 - Keyboard Allegro in C major
HWV 473 - Keyboard Allegro in C major
HWV 474 - Keyboard Air in G major
HWV 475 - Keyboard Allegro in D minor
HWV 476 - Keyboard Allemande in F major
HWV 477 - Keyboard Allemande in A major
HWV 478 - Keyboard Allemande in A minor
HWV 479 - Keyboard AirinBflatmajor?orAllemande in B minor
HWV 480 - Keyboard Chorale in G minor
HWV 481 - Keyboard Capriccio in F major
HWV 482-1 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 482-2 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 482-3 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 482-4 - Keyboard Arrangement in
HWV 483 - Keyboard Capriccio in G minor
HWV 484 - Keyboard Chaconne with 49 variations in C major
HWV 485 - Keyboard Chaconne in F major
HWV 486 - Keyboard Chaconne in G minor
HWV 487 - Keyboard Concerto in G major
HWV 488 - Keyboard Allegro (Courante) in F major
HWV 489 - Keyboard Courante in B minor
HWV 490 - Keyboard Fantasia in C major in C major
HWV 491 - Keyboard Gavotte in G major in G major
HWV 492 - Keyboard Gigue in F major
HWV 493 - Keyboard Gigue in G minor
HWV 494 - Keyboard Impertinence (Bourée) in G minor
HWV 495 - Keyboard Lesson in D minor
HWV 496 - Keyboard Lesson in A minor
HWV 497 to 558 - Keyboard 62 Minuets in Various
HWV 559 - Keyboard Passepied in C major
HWV 560 - Keyboard Passepied in A major
HWV 561 - Keyboard Prelude in D minor
HWV 562 - Keyboard Prelude (Harpeggio) in D minor
HWV 563 - Keyboard Prelude in D minor
HWV 564 - Keyboard Prelude in D minor
HWV 565 - Keyboard Prelude in D minor
HWV 566 - Keyboard Prelude in E major
HWV 567 - Keyboard Preludium in F major
HWV 568 - Keyboard Preludium in F minor
HWV 569 - Keyboard Preludium in F minor
HWV 570 - Keyboard Prelude (Harpeggio) in F sharp minor
HWV 571 - Keyboard Prelude and Capriccio in G major
HWV 572 - Keyboard Prelude in G minor
HWV 573 - Keyboard Prelude (Harpeggio) in G minor
HWV 574 - Keyboard Prelude and Allegro (Sonata) in G minor
HWV 575 - Keyboard Prelude (Harpeggio) in A minor
HWV 576 - Keyboard Prelude and Allegro in A minor
HWV 577 - Keyboard Sonata (Fantasia) pour le clavecin in C major
HWV 578 - Keyboard Sonata in C major
HWV 579 - Keyboard Sonata (Fantasia) in G major
HWV 580 - Keyboard Sonata (Larghetto) in G minor
HWV 581 - Keyboard Sonatina in D minor
HWV 582 - Keyboard Sonatina (Fugue) in G major
HWV 583 - Keyboard Sonatina in G minor
HWV 584 - Keyboard Sonatina in A minor
HWV 585 - Keyboard Sonatina in B flat major
HWV 586 - Keyboard Toccata in G minor
HWV 587 to 597 - Keyboard Eleven pieces in C, F, and G
HWV 598 to 604 - Keyboard Seven pieces in C major
HWV 605 - Keyboard Fugue in G minor   add
HWV 606 - Keyboard Fugue in G major
HWV 607 - Keyboard Fugue in B flat major
HWV 608 - Keyboard Fugue in B minor
HWV 609 - Keyboard Fugue in A minor
HWV 610 - Keyboard Fugue in C minor
HWV 611 - Keyboard Fugue in F major
HWV 612 - Keyboard Fugue in E major 
HWV A1 - L'Elpidia, overo Li rivali generosi - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A2 - Olibrio or Genserico - Opera
HWV A3 - Ormisda - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A4 - Venceslao - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A5 - Titus l'empéreur - Opera
HWV A6 - Lucio Papirio dittatore - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A7 - Catone - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A8 - Semiramide or Semiramis riconosciuta - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A9 - Caio Fabricio - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A10 - Arbace - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A11 - Oreste - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A12 - Didone abbandonata - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A13 - Alessandro Severo - Opera (pasticcio)
HWV A14 - Giove in Argo - Opera (pasticcio) 

Dank sei dir, Herr! ? ​ add

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